Marshmallow Root: Not for S’mores!

When someone mentions Marshmallow you’re brain might instantly visualize the sweet, fluffy white puffs that smash between graham crackers and a piece of chocolate. And while those kinds of marshmallows are delicious, they aren’t exactly healthy. But did you know the sweet marshmallow we think of today actually comes from an ancient recipe that was used to help with sore throats?

For generations, marshmallow root has been used for those troubled with dry and irritated throats. This is exactly how I was personally introduced to Marshmallow root. After nearly a week of dealing with a terrible sore throat, my wife made a beautiful tea (recipe below) that had me asking for more. By the end of the following day, my throat was completely better!

Marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis) is a demulcent botanical. These demulcents have a calming effect on the mucus membranes they come into contact with because of something called mucopolysaccharides. These chains of sugar molecules in humans are often found in mucus and in the fluid around our joints. Essentially coating these irritated membranes, demulcents offer soothing relief. Since ancient times, people around the world have used marshmallow root to soothe the mouth, throat, esophagus, and stomach.

Such a beautiful herb with a rich history of medicinal uses!

raw herbal marshmallow root juniper apothecary sioux falls

We sell raw marshmallow root in-store and online! This herb is useful in making soothing herbal teas, especially during the cold and flu season. Even as we are dealing with smoky air from the Canadian wildfires, this tea has been effective at dealing with the dry and scratchy effects of the poor air quality.

Order Organic Marshmallow Root Here

Interested in more raw herbs? We offer a variety of raw herbs to supplement your making needs. Make tinctures, salves, herbal honey, and medicinal herbal tea.

Shop our Raw Herbs


Marshmallow Tea Recipe

Makes about 12 ounces.

Active Time: 5 minutes. 

Tea is a wonderful way to ingest marshmallow’s healthful properties, but it’s important to know that mucopolysaccharides are destroyed by heat. So if you are going to make a tea from either marshmallow root or marshmallow leaf, it’s best to use room temperature water.



  1. Put water in an appropriately sized vessel that can be covered.
  2. Stir herb into water and cover.
  3. Let steep at room temperature for 6 to 8 hours.
  4. Strain before drinking.

Marshmallow is a beautiful plant that grows easily in most gardens. It’s relatively easy to care for and to harvest. It beautifully weaves its way into both the household kitchen and the herbal pantry. Here’s to marshmallow!

Ship the Country – We need your help!

We first started making products in the kitchen of a small house in Tea, SD. When we decided to start selling them publicly, we opened a little website and made a Facebook post (we even did free delivery around our Sioux Falls area!). Our first post went crazy and we spent two days in the car driving around delivering packages around town! That was a lesson learned to just let the post office handle our shipping!

As we’ve grown into a brick and retail store, we still do about 40% of our business online. We’ve seen steady growth and steady reach over the years but we want to take it a step further. There are a few states we ship to regularly, like our neighboring states Minnesota and Iowa. But it never ceases to amaze us when we get orders from all over, even Alaska! It got us thinking, “How can we reach more people?”

We LOVE hearing the reviews on our products and how they are truly helping people. Our Miracle Muscles and Sleep Creams have helped countless people with sore muscles and have provided much relief from restless legs. One user has even said it’s stopped his snoring and he can sleep in the same room as his wife again! So when we say we want to reach more people, it’s not so we can make more money. Yes, this business feeds our family, but more than that, it’s changing people’s lives. We think that’s pretty cool. And it’s the motivation behind this campaign to ship to every state.

Here’s how it works: Starting today, we’re zeroing out the map. We’ve set a goal to ship a package to every state in the country. At the end of each week, we’ll update the map with the state colored in that we shipped to that week. Here is where you come in. Our customers have the reach to share our products all across the country. So we’re asking if you’ll tell your friends who live in Utah, Idaho, Tennessee, Florida, Wisconsin, and even our friends in California and Hawaii (and everywhere in between)! We’ll drop a pin for each city we ship to as well, so you can see the impact directly from the people you tell!

We’ll be launching some incentives and prizes throughout this campaign, so make sure to check back along the way. Keep up with this fun campaign throughout our social media. Follow us on both Instagram and Facebook and tell a friend about what we’re doing! #shipthecountry #juniperapothecary

What’s the stink on Natural Deodorant?

Deodorant is one of those Western culture things that’s become a must-use product. But what we thought we knew 20 years ago about deodorant and how our bodies work has changed. Not to mention cultural awareness of the products we use that absorb into our skin. Today we’re discussing natural deodorant and how it sizes up to conventional deodorants.

Conventional deodorants contain potentially dangerous ingredients such as aluminum, parabens, and triclosan. Exposure to these compounds has been shown to increase the risk of several health conditions such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, hormone disruption, skin irritation, and fertility issues. One main benefit to using a natural deodorant is that they are FREE from all of these types of ingredients! Natural deodorants are designed to neutralize body odor without using harsh, irritating ingredients. Let’s get into some details about natural deodorant.

Sweating is good for your body. It helps release toxins and regulate temperature. Unlike conventional deodorants, natural deodorants do not contain an antiperspirant. Our body needs to sweat, we just don’t want the stink (understandably)! So what even causes the stink? Contrary to popular belief, it’s rare our sweat actually produces a sour body odor. The main culprit for the armpit smell is bacteria on our skin that interacts with our sweat. This bacteria and sweat combo creates the pungent body we’re all trying to avoid. So what’s up with bacteria? I shower daily and I still stink! There are a few likely culprits for this. The most common is our diet. The food we eat is generally eliminated through normal means in the bathroom (let’s not make this gross). But one of the best ways our body detoxes what it doesn’t want or need is through our sweat and skin! Eating a cleaner diet is one of the best ways to naturally reduce body odor! There are a few other culprits that we have less control over, however. Hormonal changes stemming from stress, puberty, or things like pregnancy can really upset the biological flow of our body stink. Medications or changes in lifestyle might also increase or decrease the level of body odor as well.

Thankfully, natural deodorants exist that allow our body to sweat but help to neutralize the bacteria and the stink! But making the switch from an antiperspirant to a natural deodorant can feel daunting and a bit tricky. Winter is one of the best times to make the switch to natural deodorant. Cooler months allow your body to become accustomed to the deodorant before the heat sets in! No matter when you’re making this switch, however, there are a few things to know before throwing your old stuff in the trash.

There is a transitional period that takes place when switching from a mainstream deodorant to a natural deodorant. This transition might leave you experiencing more sweating. Your body needs to adjust from using a product that stops you from sweating to one that allows your body to do what it was designed to do. It can be helpful to keep your deodorant with you and reapply as needed throughout the day. The best tip we’ve learned is to use a sugar scrub on your armpits a few times a week to remove the buildup and help keep your pits smelling fresh!

Another helpful tip to speed up the transition (which can take 1-2 weeks), is to use an armpit detox product like this. Note: This link takes to you a facial mask. Simply select the facial detox mask, follow the instructions, and use it on your armpits! Charcoal detoxes can help to draw toxins and bacteria out of your body faster than letting them naturally come out. It’s worth a shot! One final note about natural deodorants that is worth mentioning. Not all natural deodorants work for everyone and sometimes not forever. Our bodies are ever-changing with our diet and lifestyle choices and sometimes just with age and hormones! So if a natural deodorant you’ve used for two years stops working, don’t be discouraged. Simply try a different brand. We’ve heard many stories about customers who switch deodorant brands every 6-months. From one and back to the other and so on. Hang in there! Natural deodorant is a worthwhile product to keep up with. It’s good for you!

Our deodorants are all baking soda-free! Many natural deodorants contain baking soda. While baking soda isn’t necessarily bad, a lot of people have sensitivities or reactions to baking soda on their underarms (including me!). This is why we set out to create a natural deodorant that is baking soda-free. We hope with this information you’ll be better equipped to make the transition and start making the change to a healthier body. Like one that sweats regularly! Check out what one recent customer had to say:

“I LOVE this deodorant and the new packaged tubes. I’ve been searching for a natural deodorant that didn’t give me a rash and I think it was the baking soda in the other brands I tried that I reacted to! Finally a deodorant I can trust and rely on to make it through my day without my co-workers commenting on my body odor. Win!’

We have two different options for our natural deodorant. Our Extra-Strength Deodorant Cream or our newly packaged Herbal Deodorant Sticks. Same great recipe, new awesome packaging.

Have a natural deodorant story you want to share? Give us a shout! We’d love to hear about it. Until next time! 🙂

This week’s theme: Dry skin.

This week we’re discussing cold months and dry skin. It’s commonly known that the winter months can wreak havoc on our skin. Indoor heating and low-humidity leaves can leave our skin dry and scaly. Making us feel itchy and uncomfortable. Sometimes after a refreshing shower or face wash, our skin can feel tight, making us believe it’s supple and smooth skin. When reality, its drying skin is depleted of its precious natural oils. In short, your skin needs moisturizing! Here are a few quick tips to keep your skin moisturized during the last few months of winter and some ways to keep it looking healthy and hydrated.

– 1 –
Moisturize Daily
Obviously, this is the first tip. There are lots of options for skin moisturizing, however.
We cover some of the differences between lotions, butter, and salves in this post, but
the best thing to keep in mind is the severity of your dry skin. Tight itchy skin needs more
aggressive moisturizing, so lean towards a body butter or salve at bedtime for this.

– 2 –

Limit extremely hot water and soap
Yes, you should still shower and bathe regularly. However, limiting your exposure to
extremely hot water and avoiding detergent-based products that strip your skin of its
natural oils can drastically improve the hydration of your skin. Plus, you’ll save money
on the utility bill by running your water heater just a bit less! Immediately following a
shower or bath, lather up with a solid base body butter to keep your skin protected.

– 3 –
Adding a humidifier to your room can help your skin retain moisture and be less prone to
drying out. Make sure, however, to follow your manufacturer’s instructions and change the
water regularly to avoid mold and fungi.

– 4 –
Keep covered up!
Our skin really takes a beating from the cold and windy days. Keeping bundled up in
layers and not exposing our skin (including our face and lips) to the elements will be a
game changer for dry skin issues.

– 5 –
Vitamin D
Vitamin D largely comes from our sun. But in the winter, not only is the sun at an extreme
angle but our skin is mostly covered up! Or at least it should be (see point 4!). We aren’t
big fans of supplements when they aren’t necessary, but in the winter, daily Vitamin D
supplements can improve your body’s ability to retain moisture, improve mental health,
focus, and even sleep. Here is our favorite.

Hopefully, by following some of the suggestions above, you’ll be able to cruise through the rest of this winter with healthy, moisturized skin! We have a full line of moisturizing products you can find here.

Shop Moisturizing Products

Lotion, Butter, Salve: What’s the Difference?

Lotion, Butter, or Salve, what’s the difference? As we battle the cold weather during the winter months, our skin can take a beating. There are many options for moisturizers and choosing one that fits your preferences best is key to hydrating your skin! Here’s a breakdown of some of the most common options.

Lotions are typically lighter in weight and contain water or aloe. These products are for light moisturizing regimens. They work great for quick rehydration during the day but require reapplication often, especially during the dry winter months. Lotions absorb quickly, they can be a great option for a quick hydrating boost throughout the day and don’t usually have a greasy feeling.

At room temperature, body butter is a solid lotion that melts when in contact with your skin. In most cases, these are all oil or butter based. This means no water is added, giving them a dense feel as compared to lotions. Body butter can leave you feeling a little greasy and is best applied at night or right after a shower while your pores are open and your skin is damp and ready to absorb the oils of the product. Butter is a good choice in the winter, especially if you have severely dry skin and want deep hydration.

Salves are herbal-infused nourishment that is designed to help treat specific ailments. Our salves contain herbal oils and infusions plus beeswax to help solidify the final product. These can be used on specific areas of the body or face. Salves are great for dealing with red, blotchy skin, or dry, itchy skin around the nose or elbows. These are perfect to pair with lotions and body butter for a full-body regimen. We call these salves the secret weapon to skin hydration and battling the extra tough spots. Some specific salve types examples include our eczema salve, dry and scaly skin salve, menstrual cramp salve, and our most popular Hippie Healer (for general scraps, cuts, and burns).

We carry all 3 of these types of products in our store and hope this helps you choose the proper nourishment for your dry skin!


Have a question about which one you might need? Send us a message!

Our 2022 Year in Review

Okay, so 2022 was a little crazy. And I don’t mean a little hectic, I mean it was crazy. Countries were invaded, some guy spent too much money on a broken app (ahem, Elon), and the Queen of England died (let’s be honest, the last one is the only one anyone cared about anyway…). And in our everyday lives, it was just as crazy. Inflation has become a real threat to our families and the way we live, stores are consistently out of stock of goods, and the weekly grocery bill seems to have doubled.

But hey, it wasn’t all bad. Especially for us at the store. Certainly, we faced our share of obstacles. Supply chain issues have been and will continue to be a real issue, our product costs have skyrocketed, and with inflation affecting every American, our retail sales are down. Well, that was a pretty dismal list, but as I said, it wasn’t all bad. For example, we had a record turnout for our 4th Anniversary party, we added another member to our family, and we launched a new website that has well outperformed our sales goals in the first 2 months. We’re calling it a win. 🙂

We thought we’d give you a fun update about some of the positive details about our year, as well as a glimpse into the coming year. We won’t let a little inflation get in the way of life! So here it goes: Our 2022 Year in Review.

Record turnout for our 4th-anniversary party

Every August we hold an anniversary party. It’s typically our biggest sale of the year that includes an incredible swag bag of gifts, new products, coupons, and more. Each year we’ve seen this party grow, and this year was no exception. Despite a recession and inflation, you all showed up HOURS before the event and waited in line at the front door. This day is easily our favorite day of the year. We get to see all the smiling faces of our customers, and we take the opportunity to say hi face to face, and really nurture the community around our business and the natural products we make. We can’t thank you enough, but let’s just say that next year, we’ve got plans to ramp it up EVEN BIGGER. Stay tuned!

Sopkos had a Baby!

nora 2022 newborn photoIf you follow us on Instagram or Facebook, you probably saw this. On March 2nd we added baby #5 to the Sopko family roster. It’s so fun for our customers that live out of town or only visit a few times a year. One lady came in and said, “You had a different baby on your hip last time I was in, right?” Yes, indeed. This is a different one. The one you remember is that blond-headed spitball running around the shop behind you (Wilder). If you ever stop in the store, it’s more than likely you’ll see him. His name matches his personality a little too well. But now, as we close out the year, Nora Grace isn’t so much a tiny baby. She’s a 10-month-old chunk of love. Hands down the smiliest baby with abounding light in her eyes. She truly is a joy to have around. (And for those of you wondering, we are done…knock on wood. #snipsnip)

Our new website launched!

This was huge for us this year. A new website has been in the works for a while now. But as with all things in brick-and-mortar retail, the digital side of things often takes a back seat. When the floor needs to be mopped, it needs to get mopped. But alas, it’s here. The results have been fantastic, too. Among a far easier and streamlined cart and checkout process, we’re also able to see a lot more information about how people are using our website. That helps us with retargeting marketing campaigns, as well as guiding us toward making better product decisions! Have a product or website suggestion? We’d love to hear it!

New Products of 2022

I almost forgot to mention the handful of new products that were launched in 2022! There was a point in the early days of business when new products were launched every few weeks. But we’ve slowed down and really tried to be thoughtful about new products. Listen to our customers, and take our time on new formulations and customer needs. Here is a breakdown of the new products that were created in 2022:

  • Deodorant Cream
    • We’ve had a natural deodorant for a long time, but nothing like our Deodorant Cream. Brittany craftily reformulated her recipe to create a semi-solid cream that lasts longer and works better. It’s extra strength and stands up to the test of my working construction in the summer. Take it from me, it’s awesome.
      Shop Deodorant Cream Now
  • Baby Oil
    • This essential oil-free and fragrance-free oil is a better alternative to mainstream baby oils and lotions. It’s a good general recommendation to avoid using essential oils on babies (especially babies under 6 months), but to help soften their sometimes scaly skin, our natural baby oil will help!
      Shop Baby Oil
  • Eyelash Growth Serum
    • This growth serum utilizes castor oil to promote the natural growth of eyelash hair. It’s essential oil-free (you don’t want essential oils near your eyes! It applies similarly to mascara and has the best results if applied at night for a few weeks.
      Shop Eyelash Growth Serum

And finally, a list of the top 4 MOST POPULAR products of 2022:

  • 4. Sleep Cream
    A magnesium-based cream specially formulated with natural herbs and oil to help reduce muscle anxiety, nighttime muscle spasms, and restless leg syndrome.
    Shop Sleep Cream Now
  • 3. Shampoo Bars
    A must-have product for so many of our customers. If you’ve never tried a shampoo bar, this is your sign. So many customer reviews like this one from Michelle: “I didn’t know what to expect going from a high dollar salon shampoo in a plastic bottle. This shampoo bar leaves my hair feeling natural, non-greasy, and healthy. For the first time in years, I’m happy with my hair!” Wow…enough said. (and thanks for the props Michelle!)
    Shop Shampoo Bars Now
  • 2. Foaming Facial Scrub
    Among many of our face products, the foaming facial scrub has become a staple in so many bathrooms. It’s a great scrub for helping to promote your skin for moisturizing regimes, cleans makeup, and generally leaves your face feeling refreshed! This is one you’ll want to keep on hand because it’s often out of stock!
    Shop Foaming Facial Scrub Now
  • 1. Miracle Muscles
    You can likely guess why this one is popular. But a quick story, this product was developed back when I was running and training for a marathon. After my long runs on the weekends, I would struggle during recovery to even walk. My wife knew just what to make that would help. This became the first magnesium-based product in our line-up and after just one time of use, the name was dubbed ‘Miracle Muscles’. And for good reason. This is a staple product for so many athletes, and general people who exercise, as well as elderly and blue-collar working folks who have general muscle aches and pains.
    Shop Miracle Muscles Now

That’s it! That’s a wrap for our year in 2022. But, as we close out the old and welcome the new, we wanted to leave you a gift. Enter your email to save 10% off your first purchase of 2023. We’ll keep you updated on some exciting new plans for the coming year.

2022 Christmas Gift Guide!

Our 2022 Christmas Gift Guide is Here!

Everyone is feeling the squeeze this holiday shopping season. Budgets are tight and gift-giving needs to be intentional and affordable. But instead of grabbing more stuff off the shelf at Target that no one really wants or needs, we’ve put together a premium gift-giving guide for the people in your life.

This year’s gift guide has three sections:

  1. For the hard to buy for people in your life. You know the ones. They already have everything. They want for nothing. And frankly, you’re just out of ideas.
  2. And the men in your life. Let’s face it, men can be a challenge to buy for this time of year. Follow this guide, we’ve got you covered.
  3. The extra people. This one is for the teachers, the hairdressers, coaches, instructors, and anyone else you think, “do we need to get so-and-so and gift?” Yes, you probably do. But you don’t need a knick-knack for their desk and you don’t need to spend $25+ each.

Let’s get started!

For the hard to buy for:

  1. Shower Spray
    • Shower sprays are a thoughtful gift without adding another knick-knack on the wall. For the person who has everything, a shower spray is truly the perfect gift!
  2. Bar Soap
    • Everyone needs soap! Match a holiday bar soap scent with our beautiful wooden soap dish for an elegant, classy gift idea.
  3. Lip Balm
    • Our lip balm is one of our top-reviewed products. Especially this time of year, lip balm isn’t just a novelty item. It’s a must-have!
  4. Miracle Muscles
    • It’s one of the most popular products we make. Rest assured, the impossible to buy for will love it!
  5. Hand Cream
    • Dry and cracked skin is a product of winter. Hand cream is a thoughtful gift to address skin issues this time of year. Give a travel size for those who are always on the go!

For the men:

  1. Shampoo Bars
    • Our Shampoo bars are clean, easy to use, and minimal in every way. Just how men like it.
  2. Bar Soap
    • Bar soap is a great gift for men. Our bold scent is the perfect masculine scent without being too dominating.
  3. Wooden Soap Dish
    • Responsible soap handling isn’t on the top of a man’s list. Pair our elegant wooden soap dish with a bold-scented bar soap or shampoo bar to make sure he gets the most out of his soap!
  4. Miracle Muscles
    • The perfect gift for the man who always groans when getting out the lazy boy from sore joints and muscles. Our most popular product!
  5. Dry Skin Salve
    • Get him something he’d never get himself. Our dry skin salve helps address the irritating dry skin that comes with old man winter.
  6. Foot Cream
    • Did he miss his last pedicure? Dry and cracked feet often go unaddressed in men. Our foot cream absorbs well without leaving a greasy residue to address foot issues.

For the extras:

  1. Mini Gift Box
    • A pre-made gifting solution for under $12. Our mini gift box includes a hand cream, lip balm, and delicious chocolate. Simple, elegant & perfect!
  2. Bar Soap
    • Everyone needs soap! Match a holiday-scented bar soap with our beautiful wooden soap dish for an elegant, classy gift idea.
  3. Lip Balm
    • Our lip balm is one of our top-reviewed products. Especially this time of year, lip balm isn’t just a novelty item, it’s a must-have!
  4. Shower Spray
    • The extras in your life don’t need another thing on their desk or a picture frame for their wall. Get them a consumable product they’ll use and love!
  5. Oil Roller (see recommendations for links)
    • We have a wide array of oil roller options, but our top recommendations for the extras in your life are immune, relax, and sniffles!
  6. Hand Cream
    • Dry and cracked sin is a product of winter. Hand cream is a thoughtful gift to address skin issues this time of year. Give a travel size for those who are always on the go!

That’s it! If you’d like to see all our gift guide recommended products in one place, shop our Giftable section. Need something more? We’ve also created pre-made gift boxes to fit every budget. Shop our gift boxes here.

From us to you, we’re praying for an amazing holiday season. Merry Christmas, cheers!


Black Friday & Small Business Saturday DEALS!

It’s here! The biggest shopping weekend of the year. We know you’ve already been through the Thursday paper ads. We know you’ve got a list started and a plan made for Friday and Saturday. But once you’re done with the big box store shopping, head down to your local shops and support us, too!

Here’s a breakdown of what it looks like at our store:

Black Friday

Juniper apothecary 2022 black friday sale deals

5 Different Products are on Sale for $5.50 each.

  • Lip Balm
  • Select Bath Bombs
  • 2 oz Shower Spray
  • Pillow Spray
  • Travel Lotions


Small Business Saturday

  • 20% off Storewide & Online
  • Free Swag Bags in-store
  • Free Gift w/ any Online OrderJuniper apothecary 2022 Small Business Saturday sale deals



Included in Small Business Saturday, we’re hosting a mobile Coffee truck from Rooted Plant Shop. They’ll be set up around 9 am as doors open at 10 am! Also, Effortless Bows will be set up with a table in our store. These are the PERFECT gifts for the hard to buy for people in your life. We’ll have some sweets and hot apple cider for free in-store as well. The weather looks to be amazing and we’re honored to be added to your weekend shopping list!

See you this weekend! And if you can’t stop in to see us, we’re always around online on our new website!


How we do Turkey Day

Thanksgiving can be bittersweet for many small business owners. It’s the eve of the biggest shopping weekend of the year. It’s the calm before the storm, as they say.

It’s no different for us at Juniper. Most Thanksgivings we host our extended family from Joshua’s side. Including kids, it totals about 25-30 people most years. It’s a great morning of good food, fellowship with people we love, and a house full of rowdy, rambunctious, fun-loving kids that don’t see their cousins nearly enough.

But as we’re preparing the turkey and peeling potatoes, our minds are fixated on the weekend ahead, including the subsequent weeks to Christmas. For us, the next few weeks account for about 40% of our total annual revenue. It’s a serious matter to make sure we have inventory, content, raw materials, help lined up, etc. We start preparing for the Christmas shopping season in September. But as it tends to happen, the big holiday shopping kickoff weekend always comes faster than we think.

Brittany make natural soap at juniper apothecary on thanksgiving day 2022What’s the mean for a maker? It means we work on Thanksgiving. Our morning started with hosting family, playing games, and watching some football. But after the house was empty of guests, our minds quickly transitioned back into business prep and content writing.

Running a small retail business isn’t for the faint of heart. But we wouldn’t have it any other way. Thanksgiving is about being thankful, and every year, no matter how much we work, we can’t help but do it with a smile. Because without this business, we wouldn’t have you. And without you, we wouldn’t have this. And for this, we are thankful.

To all our amazing customers, we’re thankful to you. We’re thankful for our family who supports us on this crazy journey. We’re thankful to all the customers who show grace and understanding when our kids get a little wild in the store. Or when their package arrives with some crayon drawings on the side of the box.

We’re thankful for a challenging year as it makes us stronger. And thankful for all the provisions God provides through those challenges. Here’s to what we know will be a successful holiday shopping weekend and holiday season.

From the whole Juniper Family, cheers.

New website, new opportunities!

Wow. This has been a project! Thank you so much for not only visiting our website, but for taking the time to check out our blog and see what’s new. 

Well, it might not seem like much on the outside, but we’ve got a brand-new website! I shouldn’t say it’s not much on the outside, because it is. It’s an entirely new, fresh design from the ground up. Not only did we redesign the home page and the product page, but we also have a brand new (killer) menu, a slick new shopping cart page, and… (drumroll please) … a sweet new checkout process.

If you’ve shopped with us for any length of time, you’ve likely used our past website. And let’s be real, it wasn’t that bad. It was useable, functional, and overall had a decent look. But one gripe we’ve had is the cart and checkout process. It was clunky, poorly designed, and just didn’t have a good flow. Our new checkout is simplified, streamlined, and easy. Don’t believe me? see for yourself!

With that said, we’ll be continuing to work on this ever-changing project. There are some new features that we’ll be adding in the coming weeks. Features like:

  • Integrated Loyalty rewards
  • Abandoned Cart Notification
  • Loss Leader Headlines
  • Email Signup Rewards
  • Reviews

There is such a potential for having a branded online experience that matches our physical retail space. This is just the start and we’re so thankful you’re with us on this journey! Stay tuned for more fun updates and more resources being added to our blog!

Have a suggestion?

We want to know what you think! Have an idea about our website, product idea, feature idea, or just general thoughts? Maybe you just want to say hi! Hit up our contact page and let us know!

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